By Onay Kasab
In each bulletin we will highlight your rights in different areas. In this bulletin we highlight the rights of agency workers. Agency workers do not have the automatic right to a permanent job, no matter how long the worker has been engaged by a particular employer. Despite this, Socialist Party member Onay Kasab when Unison Branch Secretary won permanent jobs for over 60 agency workers through campaigning on their behalf.
Despite not having permanent job rights, agency workers do have some rights. They are:
The agency must pay you for every hour of work
They must not ask for money to find you work
The agency must tell you in writing how much they are paying you, your terms and conditions and what type of work they will find for you
The agency cannot take money out of your pay for things like equipment, protective clothing or uniforms unless they tell you and you agree
They can charge for extra services, but cannot make you use these services as a condition for finding you work
You also have a right to things like paid holiday and rest breaks.
If there is a union in your workplace, you can join. Unions can and do organise agency workers. They can also win on your behalf as we did in Greenwich.
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